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Budapest Restaurants Made Fun

July 5, 2012

The site is known as, and it works like this: You search for Budapest restaurants on the page, then you read the simples restaurant profiles to sort out what looks nice to you, and you make their reservations quickly over the web in under two mouse-clicks. Suddenly, Budapest feels a little more like a modern city.

This advanced restaurant service offers several advantages over other services which have handled other aspects of eating out in Budapest in the past.

For one thing, there’s a site that goes by DineCity which has attempted to provide online table reservations before, but which hasn’t really managed a very decent job of it. It barely lists less than 50 restaurants, and most of them towards the more dear side and many of them (but not all) tourist joints. But TableFree lists over 100 Budapest restaurants at the time I’m writing this, and those restaurants span the whole gamut from simple crowd-favorite places such as Tacos Locos to premium, world known titles such as Nobu Budapest. TableFree comprises every price category, cuisine, and region that there is in the city, so people who decide to use the system never have to worry that they could be overlooking some unknown restaurant.

Another site that’s well-known in this Budapest market is TripAdvisor, of course, yet that page presents its own shortcomings. As one example TripAdvisor is unable to offer the chance to make reservations online, and so TripAdvisor can’t really get around the linguistic barriers nor schedule your desired restaurant reservations in advance. So it’s actually more like a review page. Unfortunately there’s a little secret which clever jet-setters discovered years ago when it comes to TripAdvisor, which is that it absolutely drops the ball as a web site. Its reviews are anonymous, so that cheating users might write or say anything they like with the aim to improve or lower the rep of whatever restaurant (never mind any guesthouse, youth hostel, operahouse, or anything else). You’ll find lots of horrible dives through TripAdvisor which have glowing feedback that were probablymost likely posted anonymously by their own employees, and there is a ton of lovely options with bad comments on TripAdvisor that might have been posted by other restaurants or by difficult diners. (By the way, this reviewer once upon a time had an acquaintance who wrote a horrible review to a restaurant on the grounds that the man next to her kept talking on his cell phone. Now do you see what I’m saying?)

TableFree fixes the problem of untrustworthy, faceless restaurant reviews in 2 ways. It exclusively accepts the very best restaurants in Budapest (in each class, kitchen, and region) anyway. Because diners are just working with the best restaurants in Budapest to start with, diners know diners can be assured that anywhere at which you reserve a table is going to give you just what it should be. Plus, TableFree has put together an incredibly smart restaurant profile page which lets you grasp the atmosphere of a place instantly. The page offers very simple badges and scales that illustrate every detail from live music availability to what kind of bar it offers and whether it’s child-friendly. That’s how the TableFree system makes it extremely easy to make a reservation at a restaurant in Budapest while having complete assurance that a person will get precisely the restaurant experience they’re after.

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